
Artful Awakening: Unlock Your Creative Potential and Live Inspired


Artful Awakening, is a journey into the heart of our creative potential. In a world that often prioritises pragmatism over passion, many of us find our innate creativity stifled by societal norms and personal doubts.

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Breaking the Attachment to Pain


Breaking the Attachment to Pain:

How do our thoughts and emotions affect our health?
How do we take control of our own healing journey?
How do we break the cycle of chronic pain?

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How to Hack Your Health in 21 Days: The Ultimate Blueprint for a Vibrant Healthy Life


Paperback Version:

In a world where health and wellness often take a back seat to busy schedules and endless distractions, this book offers a transformative approach to reclaiming your well-being. This ‘health hack’ book takes readers on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, guiding them through a series of simple yet powerful hacks to cultivate lasting health habits in just three weeks.

 (ebook version available via Amazon UK)

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Our Bodies Deep Intelligence: Tantra Buddhism and the Secrets of Healing


Tantra Buddhism, a branch of Vajrayana Buddhism, offers a unique approach to spiritual practice that involves tapping into the body’s innate healing abilities. This tradition views the body as a vessel for enlightenment and believes that by harnessing the body’s energy and wisdom, practitioners can achieve profound healing and transformation.

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